Why eliminate this life-saving program featured in SF SPCA’s Spring 2017 Newsletter?

From the Spring 2017 issue of SF SPCA Our Animals, page 6:

Caring for Neonates

“Martina, Ellen, and their four littermates are a few of the lucky kittens that came to the SF SPCA through our partnership with SF ACC. Since the SF SPCA has a special nursery for feral cats still nursing their baby kittens, SF ACC reached out about a cat and her six babies. Mama Patty couldn’t produce enough milk to feed all her babies, so our CCP staff provided supplemental bottle and syringe feeding to help the kittens grow. As the kittens were weaned, they were transferred from the CCP nursery to the CCP graduation room, where volunteers socialize and care for kittens before they find a temporary foster home. Martina and Ellen were the last of the litter to leave Mama Patty and graduate to foster.”