October ACWC Meeting Issues

The original issue - the policy change to no longer immediately send volunteer trappers out when a member of the public calls Animal Care & Control San Francisco (SFACC) or the SF SPCA - has NOT been resolved. It has never been reversed as the rescue community and the Commision originally requested. The Commission was going to meet with one of the Supervisors regarding whether SFACC is responsible for homeless “feral” cats.

There is a second agenda item which NEEDS your support:

On April 30, 2019 SFACC stopped its CIP (call interested person) policy. What does this mean? If you bring in a homeless or abandoned animal you can no longer put a hold on them. This means there is NO SAFETY NET for this animal should SFACC decide to destroy the animal.

Read about the puppy killed at SFACC. https://www.facebook.com/139719697585/posts/10158900669562586?sfns=mo His finder wanted to put a CIP on him and had a rescue lined up. SFACC killed the puppy anyway!

The animals of San Francisco need your voice!

Please read Susan Reynolds article from the Marina Times which summarizes our concerns as well as her latest article about the issue:

http://www.marinatimes.com/2019/08/leaving-feral-kittens-outside-longer-is-a-bad-idea/ which


Homeless “feral” cats are SFACC’s responsibility.

SF Park Code which distinguishes cats from wildlife: SEC. 5.07. FEEDING ANIMALS PROHIBITED.

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to feed or offer to any animal in any park any substance which would be likely to be harmful to it.

(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to feed, or offer food or any substance to any animal in any park which is wild by nature and not customarily domesticated in the City and County of San Francisco. However, the Recreation and Park Commission may authorize the feeding of certain animals or birds in specified areas.

(c) It shall unlawful for any person to feed, or offer food or any substance to any animal in the San Francisco Zoological Gardens without specific authorization from Zoo staff.

(Added by Ord. 603-81, App. 12/18/81); Ord. 38-10, File No. 091441, App. 2/18/2010)

SF's online version of the Municipal Code. https://www.amlegal.com/codes/client/san-francisco_ca/

See also SFACC’s Mission Statement:

“The San Francisco Department of Animal Care & Control (SFACC) is a taxpayer-funded, open-admission animal shelter. Since 1989, SFACC has provided housing, care, and medical treatment to wild, exotic and domestic stray, lost, abandoned, sick, injured, and surrendered animals. SFACC’s doors are open to all animals in need regardless of species, medical, or behavioral condition.”