
 have you FOUND KITTENS and are seeking help to rescue them?

The city animal shelter (SF ACC) and the SF SPCA have changed how they help feral mom cats and young kittens. If you call either organization, they may tell you to leave them alone until the kittens have been weaned. They used to immediately put you in touch with an experienced volunteer rescuer/trapper who would come out to assess the situation and trap the mom cat and all of her kittens.


Please fill out and submit the following form so a member of the San Francisco cat rescue community can help get them to safety as soon as possible.
To save this info for later, click here to “take” a flyer!

report kittens:

Phone: (415) 337-0643


Once you submit the form, you will be contacted by a volunteer trapper ASAP so we can get the kittens, and hopefully the Mom as well, and place them in a foster home where they’ll be protected from coyotes, raccoons, disease and cruel humans.

It is very important to rescue the kittens with their mother - she is the one who can best care for them. Even if you don’t initially see the mother, she may be off hunting for food or in the process of moving her litter (one at a time). If you interfere with the kittens in any way, she may move them before the trapper can arrive. So please observe and report from a distance.

An exception would be if you knew, with certainty, that the mother was deceased or too injured to care for the kittens.

Time is of the essence:

  • Kittens “in the wild” have a 25% chance of surviving to adulthood.

  • Kittens as young as 3 weeks old can move fast and quickly hide making them much harder to trap.

  • It is easier to trap a Mom when she’s still nursing her kittens.