CNN Heroes : Paul the Cat Guy

CNN posts stories about heroes. One is about “Paul the Cat Guy” (4:01) :

When I moved to Queens I didn’t realize that there were so many cats. … I knew nothing about animal rescue and I didn’t get involved in that until about 5 years ago. But then I found out about TNR - Trap, Neuter, Return…

He traps a mother and her 2 week old kittens as well as her female daughter from an earlier litter, thought to be under a year old… and the cycle continues…

By fixing one female cat, you’re basically saving maybe thousands of cats being born out on the street in bad conditions. And out of those thousands alot of them are not going to make it or are going to live a miserable existence.

What I like to do is inspire others to at least do their block. Just spread the word. Imagine if a thousand people did it versus two dozen people just in one neighborhood. The population would be under control.